

    1. 简介

从语义角度来说,逗号的主要作用与句号及分号相似,都是要插入某种心理上的“距离”1。 因为插入了这种距离,逗号将句子分隔成前后两个部分,这些部分所表达的意思因此具有某种程度的独立性。在接下来的章节中,我将利用多种情境配合一些例句说明这种作用。

    1. 模式

[从句], [主句]


      1. If you take this train, you will end up in New Jersey.
      2. Whenever I take your advice, I wonder what I was thinking.


    1. 模式

[主句], [连词 + 主句]


      1. In 1492, Columbus arrived in North America, and the resulting sociological changes were profound.
      2. This is an interesting result, but it is not the first of its kind.


    1. 模式

[主句], [从句]

在第 2 节中,我提到过[主句]+[从句] 的结构通常不用使用逗号,然而,如以下例句所示,这项规则存在一些例外情况。

      1. a I did not leave home today, because I did not want to see anyone.
        b I did not leave home today because I did not want to see anyone.

前面两句例句都正确,但因为例句 (5a) 中逗号所插入的距离,两者表达的意思有些不同。例句 (5a) 的重点只有主句 I did not leave home today 所表达的意思;从句 because I did not want to see anyone 所提供的补充信息较不重要,只是为了说明围绕重点的情况。相比之下,例句 (5b) 的重点是从句所表达的意思。因为这项差异,这两个句子将会是以下问句的正常回答。

      1. Qa Where were you today?
        Qb Why didn’t you leave home today?


    1. 与连接副词一起使用

连接副词出现在句子 (或分句) 的开头,并在该句与前一句(或该分句与前一分句)间形成语义上的连接。连接副词后面一定要加上逗号,这种用法让连接副词用于连接其前后句子或分句的想法更为明确。

      1. However, this conclusion is suspect.
      2. Furthermore, the type of system considered here is quite general.
      3. Nevertheless, if we delete the first term, the resulting equation yields non-divergent solutions.


    1. 与其它副词一起使用


      1. a Interestingly reading the book made the child fall asleep.
        b Interestingly, reading the book made the child fall asleep.

因为例句 (9a) 中没有逗号,所以读者会认为 Interestingly 修饰的对象是reading;因此,这句话可以解释为与下句表达相同的意思:Reading the book in an interesting manner made the child fall asleep. 相比之下,因为例句 (9b) 有逗号分隔 Interestingly 与 reading,读者会认为前者的修饰对象是整句话,因此这句话可解释为以下的意思:It is interesting that reading the book made the child fall asleep.


    1. 与介词词组一起使用


      1. In the present case, the objection is meaningless.
      2. These plants are useful for many reasons, as seen below.


      1. I planted my carrots in two neat rows and waited for them to grow.
      2. The temperature of this material is beyond the melting point.

上述例句中逗号用法的差异,可以通过思考各例句中介词词组与该句整体间的语义关系来理解。在例句 (10) 中,In the present case 当作副词使用,修饰整句主句 the objection is meaningless 的意思;如果删除逗号,则 In the present case 与名词 objection 间的关系会变得更加紧密,可能会造成误解,让人以为这个介词词组是当作形容词使用,单独修饰这个名词。同样,在例句 (11) 中,如果删除介词词组 for many reasons 后面的逗号,将 as seen below 的修饰对象解释为只有 reasons 也不无道理,但实际意思却是要以 as seen below 修饰前面的整句分句。

接下来,让我们将上述情况与例句 (12) 及 (13) 对比一下,后面这两句例句不需要逗号插入的距离。例句 (12) 中的动词由复合结构 planted…waited 所组成;因此,如果在 in two neat rows 后面加上逗号,便会切断一个动词与另一个动词的联系。这是一种语法错误。在例句 (13) 中,如果在 of this material 后面加上逗号,则逗号将会落在主语 temperature 及其动词 is 之间。这也是一种语法错误。

    1. 模式

[名词], [修饰语]


      1. a My new book, which I loaned to my friend, is very interesting.
        b My new book that I loaned to my friend is very interesting.
      2. a The oldest dog, sitting on that chair, doesn’t hear well.
        b The oldest dog sitting on that chair doesn’t hear well.
      3. a We ran around the lake, in the park.
        b We ran around the lake in the park.
      4. a I received a phone call from my brother, Bruce.
        b I received a phone call from my brother Bruce.

在上述四组例句的 (a) 中,修饰语 (which I loaned to my friend、sitting on that chair、in the park、Bruce) 与被修饰语 (book、dog、lake、brother) 间有逗号,因此,这种修饰语称为“非限制性修饰语”(或“非限定性修饰语”)。非限制性修饰语并不会限制(即缩小)被修饰语的意义,反之,它只会提供辅助、说明的信息。因此,如果是非限制性修饰语,删除这项修饰语并不会改变该句的整体含义。相比之下,在各组例句的 (b) 中,修饰语与被修饰语间没有分隔的逗号,因此前者属于限制性 (或限定性) 修饰语。在这类情况下,修饰语会限制被修饰语的意义,因此,如果删除各例句中的修饰语,就会极大地改变该句的整体含义。


    1. 使用于清单中


      1. a I like beer, wine and whiskey.
        b I like beer, wine, and whiskey.
      2. My friend brought two fishing poles and lures, a cooler full of drinks, and more than enough food for both of us.
      3. I made sure that the stove was turned off, the heat was turned down, and the doors were all locked.

如例句 (18) 所示,如果清单由单一单词组成,则从第二项至最后一项的后方可加上逗号,但不见得一定如此3。 然而,当清单由含有多个单词的词组或分句所组成时,如例句 (19) 及 (20),为了表达清楚,通常需要这个逗号。

    1. 分隔两个形容词


      1. My friend lives in a large, brown house.
      2. My friend has a large pickup truck.

如上述例句所示,当形容词连续出现时,可分为两种情况,一种是以逗号隔开,另一种则不以逗号隔开;这两种情况间的差异如下。在 [形容词 1], [形容词 2] [名词] 的结构中,两个形容词在其修饰作用中具有相等的地位,而 [形容词 1] [形容词 2] [名词] 的结构中,[形容词 2] 直接修饰 [名词],而 [形容词 1] 则修饰由这两者形成的词组。因此,一般认为后者中名词的主要性质由 [形容词 2] 所表示的,而 [形容词 1] 表示的性质较不重要。相比之下,我们可以认为前者中 [形容词 1] 与 [形容词 2] 表示的性质都具有最高的重要性。例句 (21) 及 (22) 是这两种情况的典型。

    1. 其它用法


    1. a You should include maps, tents, rain gear, etc.
      b You should include maps, tents, rain gear, and so on.
    2. a On March 16th, 2003, the situation changed drastically.
      b On March 16, 2003, the situation changed drastically
      c On the 16th of March 2003, the situation changed drastically.
    3. The man said, “Please visit again,” and then he left.
    4. (在信件开头处) Dear Professor Jones,

1 依照递增的插入“距离”排列,我们得到以下顺序:逗号、分号、句号。
2 在顺序相反的情况下,通常不用使用逗号。例如,以下为正确用法:(i) You will end up in New Jersey if you take this train. (ii) I wonder what I was thinking whenever I take your advice.不过,正如第 4 节所示,这项规则存在一些例外情况。
3 因为逗号在这种情况下通常是多余的,我个人不会如此使用。不过,还是有些格式指南建议这种用法。


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