so that

So that1 这一表达经常被日本学者误用。以下例句为最常见的典型误用类型。

  1. These figures can be arranged so that together they form the shape that minimizes G.
  2. In this way, we have devised a treatment so that the cost is reduced by 90%, while the efficacy is virtually unchanged.
  3. In the present case, both the origin and the term of the loan are unimportant, so that we focus on the principal and interest rate only.
  4. These are the values of y so that F(t;y) is a monotonically increasing function of t.


  1. These figures can be arranged such that together they form the shape that minimizes 
  2. In this way, we have devised a treatment such that the cost is reduced by 90%, while the efficacy is virtually unchanged.
    (2’) In this way, we have devised a treatment for which the cost is reduced by 90%, while the efficacy is virtually unchanged.
  3. In the present case, both the origin and the term of the loan are unimportant, and for this reason we focus on the principal and interest rate only.
  4. These are the values of y for which F(t;y) is a monotonically increasing function of t.

在多数情况下,当so that用作副词时它的同义词为for the purpose或 in order that,当用作连词时它的同义词为with the consequence that或therefore (as a necessary consequence)2。在以上例句中,这类意思表达得并不适当。

以下我们来说明so that的正确用法。

  1. All options were explained in detail, so that the patient could make an informed decision.
  2. The model is then reduced to a single ODE, so that the standard dynamical systems methods can be applied.
  3. The discussion has been modified so that it cannot be misunderstood in the manner stated.

For detailed discussion, see Chapters 116 and 119 in

1 语法上,so that 中的“so” 可以作为副词或连词。在前例中,它引导的是一个状语从句,其前不应用逗号。在后例中,它引导的是名词性从句,其前应用逗号(当不在句首时)。
2 但应该注意,即使当so that用作连词而非表达纯粹的and therefore的意思时,它经常也会与in order that有着细微的差别。句(5)和(6)是此类的典型例子。


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