- 单引号和双引号
- 自我参照
- The English word “science” comes from the Latin scientia, meaning ‘knowledge’.
在此,science 并不是指研究领域,而是这个单词本身。只要以此种方式使用词语时,就必须利用特殊标记来表现,以便传达自我参照的特殊意义。为此,往往会使用双引号,但也可使用斜体字。接下来,请注意 knowledge 使用的是单引号,这表示这个词语也是以特殊方式使用。不过,相对于 science 用以指代组成这个单词的字母序列,knowledge 则是用于指平常使用这个单词时所表达的意思。(请注意,提到一种意思与表达这种意思是两回事。)这种用法通常以单引号表示。最后,请注意 scientia 是斜体字。事实上,这个单词的使用方法与 science 完全相同。之所以采取不同处理方式的原因是,书写外国文字时习惯上使用斜体字,若再加上引号可能会显得有些奇怪。
- 自我参照
- In this paper, we call these cases “asymptomatic outliers.” (较为美式)
(2’) In this paper, we call these cases “asymptomatic outliers”. (较为英式) - We refer to this as a ‘naïve solution’, because it results from what is known as a ‘naïve perturbation expansion’.
- Let us term this short period of contraction the ‘secondary phase’.
- In this paper, we call these cases “asymptomatic outliers.” (较为美式)
第 2 节中 “knowledge” 的用法称为注释(一段简短的说明或定义),这种用法通常以单引号表示。以下例句将进一步说明这种用法。
- 注释
- In this work, we use the term “almost certainly convergent” to mean ‘convergent for all but at most a measure 0 set of processes’.
- 注释
- 注释
- Each electron “feels” the surface charge through the surrounding fluid.
在此,动词 feels 是以一种比喻的方式使用。以这种用法取代更正确/精准的表达方式,是为了表达对讨论现象的一种直觉理解。一般来说,这种用法都会使用双引号。
- 特殊意义
- Anisogomphus solitaris is categorized as “critically endangered” by the IUCN.
此处使用的双引号表示国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)对词语 critically endangered 有其自定的定义(显然较为精确),而且目前就是使用这项特殊意义。
- 讽刺用法
- My “friend” John published my results without my consent.
- 艺术品的标题
- The poem “By the River”, appearing at the end, is generally regarded as the finest work in Sontel’s Unguarded Musings. (较为英式)
(9’) The poem “By the River,” appearing at the end, is generally regarded as the finest work in Sontel’s Unguarded Musings. (较为美式)
- The poem “By the River”, appearing at the end, is generally regarded as the finest work in Sontel’s Unguarded Musings. (较为英式)
- 引语
- When I asked him when he would come, Tom said, ‘when I’m ready’, but I’m not sure what he meant. (较为英式)
(10’) When I asked him when he would come, Tom said, “when I’m ready,” but I’m not sure what he meant. (较为美式) - Smith characterized this entire body of work as being “wholly without merit”. (较为英式)
(11’) Smith characterized this entire body of work as being “wholly without merit.” (较为美式) - Although his statement was “You must not give up,” he certainly did. (both)
- When I asked him when he would come, Tom said, ‘when I’m ready’, but I’m not sure what he meant. (较为英式)
例句 (12) 中的用法值得特别讨论。在这种情况下,原文几乎一定以句号作为结尾。不过,引语的结尾为逗号。本节脚注提到,英式英语的通则为,引语中使用的标点符号通常忠于原文,此处则是一项常见的例外。在此例中,以下规则取得优先权:当引语出现于正文中时,引用文字不能有句号。
- Burchfield, Robert William, Fowler’s Modern English Usage (Revised 3rd ed.)2, (Oxford University Press, 2004). ISBN 978-0-19-861021-2. OCLC 56767410.
- University of Chicago, The Chicago Manual of Style (16th ed.), (Univ. of Chicago Press, 2010). ISBN 978-0-226-10420-1.
1 主要差异有两点:首先,双引号在美式英语中是标准用法,而在英式英语中,单引号及双引号通常都会使用。第二个差异则是关于引号与引语结尾标点符号的相对位置。在英式英语中(不论使用单引号还是双引号),习惯上会让引号内的标点符号尽可能地忠于原始内容。而在美式英语中,如果逗号或句号与结束引语的双引号接续出现,则逗号或句号一定在前。(在单引号、标点符号不是句号或逗号的情况下,美式英语与英式英语使用相同的规则,都是尽可能地忠于原始内容。)第二个差异如例句 (2) 与 (2’) 及 (9) 与 (9’) 所示。